Tuesday, May 01, 2012


On happily being suspended as a UKIP candidate

This is just to state that I am quite happy with the decision to suspend my candidature; this being because of the usual numptie misrepresentation of position by media that UKIP Party Chairman Steve Crowther understandably thought might ensue and thereby represent a threat to UKIP chances in Thursday's elections in London.
This follows usual Party-politically-motivated bigoted wild misrepresentation and ignorance by a minority on local discussion boards re a blog post here (below) way back in August last year, which I had written on the topic of the wild nonsense written about Anders Breivik.
In that post -- and in all posts I have made on the subject of Breivik, to such as Psychology Today -- I stressed that Breivik's actions were clearly appalling and insupportable, but that the scholarship on the origin and development of 'political correctness' fascism (and that is an accurate application of that term) is fully in line with what Breivik wrote in his 'manifesto'.
I am myself published in a science journal on the origin and development of 'PC', and of how this has created serious misrepresentation of data and analysis in the topic of intimate-partner violence.

The statement put out by the UKIP Sheffield and National Organiser, Jonathan Arnott, is, however, not as Jonathan read to and agreed with me.
Jonathan stated to me that the issues were "outside the orbit" of the party's politics.
That is very different to "remarks ... at odds with UKIP policy".
UKIP has no disagreement with me on anything, so far as I'm aware; and certainly no disagreement on any topic has been put to me.
The Party hardly could have such a disagreement unless it wants to disagree with the weight of published scholarship, and clearly it is hardly likely to engage in such illogical foolishness; and the Party is determinedly anti-PC in any case.

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